Douglas Wisner, MD
Cataract & Primary Eye Care Service Co-Director, MOST Lab Director

Dr. Wisner serves as the co-director of the Cataract and Primary Eye Care Service and director of the Measey Ophthalmic Surgical Training (MOST) Lab at Wills Eye. He is an assistant professor at Thomas Jefferson University, his primary area of research interest is in surgical training and technique/systems improvement. He is on the board of the Wills Eye Alumni Society and is involved with Academic Global Ophthalmology at Wills Eye, training surgeons and performing eye surgeries in Kenya, Ghana and Ecuador. Surgical interests include cataract, anterior segment surgery and LASIK. He has a particular interest in advanced technology intraocular lenses, MIGS, and complex anterior segment surgery including cataract surgery after LASIK, retinal detachment or trauma, scleral fixated intraocular lens implants, and iris repairs.